Dev Log 2 - Pitching a Game

Devlog 2

Over the past week, we have been placed into teams. I am a part of Team 7 Studios. We are using a team member's pitch for "Archetype Defender" a game that teaches about the reality of acid rain and climate change through a futuristic ruined city with a robot as the main protagonist whose goal is to protect the remaining life on the earth. As for work completed this week we narrowed down the protagonist, his on-screen look to be only hands, the main weapon in an umbrella, and his sidekick is a turtle that he can use as an extra item. As for art I have worked with Shane and we has already 3D modelled the umbrella we will be using and I am in the process of modelling the turtle who is not named. My goal for the next iteration is to have most of the basic gameplay items roughly modelled and in the process of being rigged (or not) this character may be static. After these main iterations I hope to make a basic pallet and textures for the city and work with the level designer to map out our level.

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